We need to have roots.
XYZBAG creates fine premium products
that delightfully combine style and craftsmanship,
and offer a lifestyle upgrade to innovative luxury.

A sense of place.
Skyline collection becomes an innovative 3d bag,
a masterpiece drawing inspiration from cities, technology and art.
A way to fix your beautiful memories.
You can return to the city of your childhood, or wear the place you belong to.

Technology and creativity.
Technological innovation becomes a tool to shape imagination,
creating amazing combinations of shapes and colours.
Every city is unique, so all our products are unique.
Each of our 3d printed bags come out from a digital code.
This digital code is digital designed.
And a unique ID is assigned by XYZBAG to each code.

The future just happened.
A project that aimed to design an innovative design case,
impossible to reproduce by traditional technologies.
Make a statement,
showcase your style
and celebrate your uniqueness..
Sartorial & unique
We create your tech 3d bag
The best handbag you can use is the
one that wears your sign and soul.
Your personalized 3d bag will do.